Systemic pathways to Climate Neutrality and Climate Resilience

UN SDSN Global Climate Hub Report: Modelling Net Zero Pathways

Read the three separate sections of the report:

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri introduces the Global Climate Hub in an interview with Dr. Aggelos Alamanos for the NATURE Sustainability journal.

Our mission

SDSN Global Climate Hub’s mission is to produce national and international systems integrated solution pathways, towards climate neutrality and climate resilience, embedded in socio-economic-finance systems and supported by stakeholder co-design participatory processes.

The SDSN Global Climate Hub (GCH) provides science-based recommendations for combating the climate crisis and preventing further deterioration. It will use extensive data, knowledge, and technologies provided by experts in various fields to implement country-specific action plans to be adopted and reinforced by society. The 9 Units of the SDSN GCH represent the stages that a country should go though in order to achieve the design and implementation of detailed climate neutrality and climate resilience pathways.

Innovating for Sustainability: 

an overview of the innovative holistic methodology developed by the SDSN Global Climate Hub. It outlines the unique systemic, interdisciplinary, and intra-disciplinary approach utilized in the creation of national transformative climate neutrality and resilience pathways.


SDSN Global Climate Hub is composed by a consortium of 9 Units across the knowledge triangle

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, President UN SDSN, Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, co-chair SDSN Europe, chair SDSN Global Climate Hub and Maria Cortes Pouch, SDSN, Vice-President of Networks at the launch event of the SDSN Global Climate Hub, 6th of July, 2022, at the Academy of Athens.

There are times which are not ordinary, and in such times, it is not enough to follow the road. It is necessary to know where it leads, and, if it leads nowhere to follow another. The current momentum of climate neutrality pledges from all around the world, shows that governments have come to realise that we need to develop a new pathway that enables the transition to climate neutrality and climate resilience, within the Framework of UN Agenda 2030 and the Paris Climate Agreement. The SDSN Global Climate Hub has made it its mission to provide science-based recommendations for combating the climate crisis and preventing further deterioration. In collaboration with national governments, It will use extensive data, knowledge, and technologies provided by experts in various fields to develop and help implement, detailed country-specific action plans, to be implemented and reinforced by society.

Key Publications

  • Koundouri, P. (2023): “Urgent call for comprehensive governmental climate action against wildfires in Greece.” NATURE: Climate Action 2(1). Available here.

  • Koundouri, P., Halkos, G., Landis, C. F., & Alamanos, A. (2023). Ecosystem Services valuation for supporting sustainable life below water. NATURE: Sustainable Earth Reviews, 6(1). Available here.

  • Koundouri P., Alamanos A., Plataniotis A., Stavridis C., Perifanos K., Devves S.: “Assessing the sustainability of the European Green Deal and its interlinkages with the SDGs.” Forthcoming: NATURE: Climate Action (March 2024). Available here.

  • Sachs, J. D., Karim, S. S., Aknin, L., Allen, J., Brosbøl, K., Colombo, F., Barron, G. C., Espinosa, M. F., Gaspar, V., Gaviria, A., Haines, A., Hotez, P. J., Koundouri, P., Bascuñán, F. L., Lee, J.-K., Pate, M. A., Ramos, G., Reddy, K. S., Serageldin, I., … Michie, S. (2022). The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 400(10359), 1224–1280. Available here

  • Sachs, J. D., Abdool Karim, S., Aknin, L., Allen, J., Brosbøl, K., Cuevas Barron, G., Daszak, P., Fernanda Espinosa, M., Gaspar, V., Gaviria, A., Haines, A., Hotez, P. J., Koundouri, P., Larraín B., F., Lee, J.-K., Pate, M., Polman, P., Ramos, G., Reddy, K. S., … Bartels, J. (2021). Priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of 2021: Statement of The Lancet Covid-19 Commission. The Lancet, 397(10278), 947–950. Available here.

  • Sachs, J. D., Abdool Karim, S., Aknin, L., Allen, J., Brosbøl, K., Cuevas Barron, G., Daszak, P., Espinosa, M. F., Gaspar, V., Gaviria, A., Haines, A., Hotez, P., Koundouri, P., Larraín Bascuñán, F., Lee, J.-K., Pate, M., Polman, P., Reddy, S., Serageldin, I., … Bartels, J. G. (2020). Lancet COVID-19 commission statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. The Lancet, 396(10257), 1102–1124. Available here 

Who we are

The SDSN Global Climate Hub is operating as an SDSN Thematic Network which includes the expertise and talent of individuals and members of the SDSN Network.

The Hosting Institutions of the Global Climate Hub are Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and the ATHENA Research Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies (ATHENA RC), both of which belong to the Alliance of Excellence for Research and Innovation on Αephoria (AE4RIA), an initiative for collaboration between research institutions, innovation accelerators, and science-technology-policy interface networks focused on sustainable development that will also provide key resources and expertise to the Hub.

Partners of the Global Climate Hub are the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the  Academy of Athens, as well as various other international partners from across the larger network of experts and knowledge institutions mobilized by SDSN will also support the Hub.

Supported by

UN SDSN Network

The SDSN mobilizes the world’s academic and research institutes and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. The SDSN pursues its mission by working with member institutions in countries around the world, organized into networks at the national and regional level. Each network focuses on distinct projects and priorities in line with their local contexts and challenges.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network




National Networks


Regional Networks